Scouring among some pictures on ye drives I have found these old pictures... For the lot of you they mean nothing but these are the retinal imprints of my childhood how ever harsh it was... I can still smell the PVC and the scent of milk and empty shelves at the stores. We have become the orange generation... they were only available before christmas, and only if you "knew someone"... that's why oranges taste a bit nicer for us, children of the '80s... So... enjoy!

I think it's very well synthasised.Our 80's childhood,I mean...Although I didn't have a TV fish in my house, I spotted it in several others.I remember perfectly the image of the "Jules Verne" shelf,of the "staniol" cap in bottles of milk and yogurt,and that my first crush happened when I was three because the guy in question first introduced me to oranges...It's true, they were sweeter then...
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