Saturday, April 15, 2006

Home again

Well, easter is coming, my best friend has his birthday on the resurrection of the first hippie in human history, and we cannot converse normally because other influences(like women, - and yes, by the way, I still despise them); point is, I hope tonight they will leave me alone and stuff... otherwise, eagerly waiting to jam with the band, and not so eagerly waiting to work... what more should I say? tired, and looking forward to some wine, not like gin(as yesterday). Second round of elections is coming in Hungary, not that it would help much of our economy, or our status- yet everyone is watching it. You are inexistent nowadays if you don't take a side of everything... and political correctness is just another way to get away with being hypocrite... All nationalist cunts just fuck off! Oh and now I have a nice image too! No comment..

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